Valérie Issarny holds a “Director of research” position at Inria, the French institute for research in Digital sciences, where she led the ARLES research team until 2013, investigating distributed software systems leveraging wirelessly networked devices, with a special emphasis on service-oriented systems. She studies middleware solutions easing the development of distributed collaborative services, including mobile services deployed over smartphones and interacting with sensors and actuators. From 2013 to 2018, she coordinated the Inria CityLab program dedicated to smart cities and promoting citizen engagement; the program was developed in collaboration with CITRIS at University of California Berkeley, targeting urban-scale experiment in Paris and California cities. Related projects included Ambiciti on urban pollution monitoring through participatory sensing and crowd sourcing, and SocialBus on a middleware solution enabling interactions across social media to support democratic assembly and collective actions. Valerie has published over 200 technical papers. She is associate editor of ACM TAAS, ACM TIOT, IEEE TSC and IEEE TSE.To know more, visit: http://valerie-issarny.me/